Client Work Placements

Work Placements

Bridges can offer you short work experience/work shadowing placements with Scottish companies in the sector that you originally worked in. Usually about 12 days we can give you a chance to practice your skills in the workplace and get real experience of a UK company.

The placements are unpaid and do not guarantee you a job, but many of our clients have gone on to find a job after doing a placement.

You must have a minimum of Level 4 English (or be studying towards it). If you have worked in your own country we will find you a placement as close as we can to your old job. If you have never worked we will find you a volunteering placement.

Work placements will help your English, make you more confident, practice your skills, gain real experience of the UK labour market.

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Client Work Placements

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The Bridges Programmes is funded by the following organisations